One of the biggest issues regarding setting goals is accomplishing them. Not being able to accomplish a goal is usually because of some unforeseen circumstances that may show up like emergencies.
On the Nkwa application, after a user creates a goal and for some reason decides to break the goal before its completion time and amount, that user will be expected to pay a fine depending on the break percentage that the user had set while creating the goal. The fine is deducted from the user's savings during the breakage process. You can break a goal by following these steps;
Step 1: On the home screen, click on “Nkwa goals” to be able to access all your created goals.
Step 3: After you have had access to all your created goals, click on the goal you wish to break so you can see its details. On the details screen, click on “Goal Details”. On the “Goal details” screen, to be able to break that goal, click on the “Break” button
Step 4: After clicking on the break button, input your pin.
Step 5: After Inputting your pin, a popup then shows for you to confirm the process by clicking on the “Accept” button.
Step 6: After clicking on the “Accept” button, the goal is then broken and the savings are moved to Flip, and from there, it could be withdrawn.
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